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'Workout at Home with this Cardio Hip Hop Dance Workout to Problema by Daddy Yankee. No equipment necessary (just your bright, smiling face). You can also incorporate it into your Zumba and Dance Fitness Classes! :) Dance Fitness is an aerobic activity that incorporates music and dance of all genres. Please consult a physician before participating in any kind of physical activity. :) Original Choreography by Ashtynn Allen PLEASE COMMENT with song requests for more dance routines! If you like this video, please hit the LIKE button. Make sure to subscribe for more videos. Follow me on Instagram: @ashtynn.fit https://www.instagram.com/ashtynn.fit/ Follow me on TikTok: @ashtynnallen https://www.tiktok.com/@ashtynnallen?lang=en Email me: passionforzumba@gmail.com'
See also: MEINE FITNESS ROUTINE FIT , Big Booty , personaltrainer , workout videos , Michelle Lewin Bio , working out , abs , fun workout , tread , challenge
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